First Lady Biden, Vice President Harris: Support Cuban women and help take Cuba off the terrorist list!

It’s time for women Democratic leaders to step up, help Cuban women and advocate for the removal of Cuba from the list of countries designated as sponsors of terrorism.

Kamala Harris once said “If we build a world that works for women, our nations will all be safer, stronger, and more prosperous.” Tell the vice president that taking Cuba off the SSOT list is vital to creating a world that truly works for women, as it would alleviate the disproportionate economic burden on them, ensure their safety, strengthen their ability to thrive, and foster prosperity for generations to come.

Dear First Lady Dr. Biden and Vice President Harris,

We are writing to urge you to reconsider U.S. - Cuba policy and support Cuban families by advocating for the removal of Cuba from the list of countries designated as sponsors of terrorism.

As you are aware, in the final days of the Trump administration, then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo re-added Cuba to the list of state sponsors of terrorism, reversing its removal in 2015 by the Obama-Biden administration. Following an extensive review, the Obama-Biden administration had certified that (i) the Government of Cuba has not provided any support for international terrorism during the preceding 6-month period; and (ii) the Government of Cuba has provided assurances that it will not support acts of international terrorism in the future. The rationale for Cuba’s reinstatement on the list was, in part, due to its role in facilitating negotiations between the Colombian government and the ELN guerrilla groups. However, even the President of Colombia has stated that there is no justification for Cuba's inclusion on the SSOT list.

Nearly a decade ago, the Obama administration initiated a warming of relations with the Cuban government. This policy shift was extremely popular both within the United States and globally. Dr. Biden, during your visit to Cuba, you were met with open arms, indicative of the broad support for this approach to Cuban relations. We urge you to advocate for a return to the policies of the Obama era.

For too long, the Cuban people have endured the consequences of this outdated and restrictive policy. Families have been divided, livelihoods destroyed, and futures jeopardized. Continuing to list Cuba as an SSOT impedes financial transactions, further obstructing the growth of the Cuban private sector. It also disadvantages U.S. businesses and citizens wishing to travel to Cuba. Moreover, it acts as a significant deterrent to both U.S. and international investors, thereby hampering Cuba’s economic recovery. The ongoing policy has also contributed to a rise in Cuban migration, as many undertake the dangerous journey from Cuba to Florida. Vice President Harris, it is evident that one of the fundamental drivers of Cuban migration to the U.S. is the current policy that penalizes innocent civilians.

The U.S. should be working towards being a good neighbor and building a respectful and cooperative relationship with Cuba. Please use your influence to push for a new approach towards Cuba that centers the well-being of women and families. 

Thank you,

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